Noslēdzies projekts ''Klimata valoda''
11 mēnešus no 2015.gada jūnijam līdz 2016.gada aprīlim Biedrība Latvijas Mazpulki, Latvijas Dabas fonds, Latvijas Universitātes Ģeogrāfijas un Zemes zinātņu fakultāte, sadarbības partneris NIBIO strādājām pie mācību materiāliem ģeogrāfijas un dabaszinātņu skolotājiem, kas apkopoti un izdoti grāmatā “Klimata valoda. Klimata izglītība skolās: praktiski ieteikumi”.
Tapa arī 10 video ar vienkāršiem demonstrējumiem, kā izskaidrot un izprast kas ir klimats, kāpēc tas uz Zemes ir tik dažāds, kas ir siltumnīcas efekts, un ko Zemei nodara mistiskais CO2? LU ĢZZF zinātnieki projekta laikā novadījuši vairāk nekā 20 Ballītes ar zinātniekiem gan jaunajā LU Dabaszinātņu centrā, gan izbraukumos uz skolām.Notikuši četri projekta un izglītojošie semināri skolotājiem un mazpulku vadītājiem, esam bijuši radio, presē, kā arī TV kastēs..
Kopumā esam ļoti labi pastrādājuši un ļoti lepojamies ar padarīto! Visi projektā izstrādātie materiāli nekur nepazudīs un būs pieejami tepat blogā, kā arī LU, ĢZZF mājas lapā sadaļā skolotājiem.
p.s. Ballītes ar zinātniekiem arī būs gan rudenī Dabas mājā, gan vasaras pasākumos,kur piedalīsies Rīgas klubiņš. Kā pirmais – festivāls HESLSUS 21.-22.maijā Jelgavā! Nāc!
Šinī gadījumā – nekas nemainās! Mēs, projekta komanda, esam nolēmuši iesākto turpināt un laist dabā!Jo daba runā klimata valodā! Lejuplādē mūsu lietotni un laid dabā, vēro to un sūti datus zinātniekiem!
LOL – laižam ostīt liepziedus :)
The climate is changing. It is a fact! We need to understand it and intelligently adapt to it. With this major conclusion ends the project "Climate language".
11 months from June 2015 to April 2016 Centre of Geological Processes Research and Modelling of the Department of Geology of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia , Norwegian agricultural and environmental research institute “Bioforsk”, the Latvian Fund for Nature, and NGO “Latvijas Mazpulki” worked to make study materials for geography and science teachers, these materials are now collected and published in the book "Climate language. Climate education in schools: practical suggestions ". Also 10 videos has been made with simple demonstrations about that how to explain and understand the climate and why it is so different on the Earth, what is the greenhouse effect and what effort has CO2 to the Earth?
Scientists from Geology of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia during the project have lead more than 20 ‘’Party with scientists’’ in the new center of the University of Natural Sciences and also during visits in schools.
There have been 4 project and educational seminars for teachers and Latvian 4H club leaders. We have been on radio, press and TV boxes ..
Overall, we are very well committed and very proud of the work that we have done! All project materials that has been developed will not disappear anywhere and will be available right here on the blog, as well as the University, Geology of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia website section for teachers.
P.S. Parties with scientists will also be during the summer time – Latvian 4H volounteers will be in many summer festivals – first is Festival HELSUS on May 21-22 in Jelgava city! Come and visit us there! But during the autumn Parties with scientists will take place in Nature house.
In this case - nothing changes! We, the project team, we have decided to work further and be placed on the nature! Because nature speaks on the language of climate! Downloading our app and go into nature, watch it and send data to the scientists!